Dulwich and Neigbours

This tour took place on 2nd July 2004, accompanied by special guest Iain, and stalwart Young's colleague Alex.
I've written this once already, but lost it in a pooter crash. So things might be a bit hazy.

Clock House, Peckham Rye

This hides on a corner of Peckham Rye, camofaluged by flower baskets. Have a look:
Picture of The Clock House
Iain and I got there from East Dulwich station, which was under siege from hooting youths. We quivered manfully and scuttled off to Peckham. After walking the wrong way down the Rye for a bit (the first of several navigation misadventures), we backtracked and found our quarry. Alex took a bit longer. It turns out that we could've just got the 312, never mind.
Anyway, 'tis a nice pub. Lots of fishing paraphenalia, I think, and an outdoor bit. It is as you would imagine from the photo. Iain had proper beer, Alex and I weasled out and drunk shandy.

Dulwich Wood House, Sydenham Hill

Sydenham Hill is a very long windy road, and it is uphill. If you are walking to an address on this thoroughfare, make sure you know the number. We didn't, and enjoyed a long sweaty hike towards Crystal Palace. Alex almost snapped when the 312 we'd got off previously tootled merrily by, and started barking and foaming at the mouth (Alex, not the bus). For reasons that have never been adequately explained, I was blamed for the incident. Still, we got there in the end. Here's Alex outside the hostelry, making his views clear:
Alex outside The Dulwich Wood House
Charming, ain't it?
We liked the pub generally, but it was a bit country golf club. Double Chocolate Stout was consumed.

Railway Bell, Crystal Palace

Rather confusingly located in Norwood, according to the directory - they may be technically correct, but it's clearly easier just to call it Crystal Palace.
It's down a very steep hill and a little to the left. Narrow and local, but our favourite pub of the lot. Not worth it for the walk back uphill though.